Popular Economy, Work and Workers

The changes in the productive system promoted by neoliberal capitalism have had a profound impact on the forms of wage labour and on the alternative experiences of the popular sectors. In Argentina, the term ‘popular economy’ refers to actions linked to values of solidarity ​​and cooperative forms of work, as well as to an organized subject with aspirations to structurally transform the living conditions of a portion of the local population that is excluded from the formally integrated working class. This exclusion of marginalized informal sector workers has led to important processes of conflict and organization. In this framework, we seek to research the following:

1. The characteristics of these forms of organization as well as their struggles and demands.
2. The links of these organisations with political traditions and identities.
3. The production and work organisational practices of this sector.
4. The role played by women and the debates that the feminist movement has raised regarding its own struggles within this broader movement.