Global Disputes and Alternatives Within 'Our America'

Neoliberal globalization has deepened the global nature of capitalism. This has had a number of effects, including accentuation of social polarization, the reconfiguration of national sovereignties, and the renewal of processes of dependency, recolonization and imperialism. This has also impacted alternative integration projects from governments and popular movements, especially in Latin America. The current context seems to be characterized by an economic and military dispute and competition at a global level that exists within a framework of an unresolved economic crisis that unloads its consequences and interventions onto the Global South. In this scenario, characterized by constant changes, we aim to promote the study of the strategies and policies promoted by the centres of power as well as their effects, developments, and perspectives in our region. We also aim to promote the study of the initiatives generated by leftist or progressive governments and the actions and programs promoted by popular movements.
